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Zivojinovic, Jelena

The development of the Latin gerund in Rhaeto-Romance : international doctoral track in Linguistics : 33rd Cycle S.S.D. L-LIN/01

Verona : [s.n.], 2021
Copertina  The development of the Latin gerund in Rhaeto-Romance : international doctoral track in Linguistics : 33rd Cycle S.S.D. L-LIN/01
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Descrizione The development of the Latin gerund in Rhaeto-Romance : international doctoral track in Linguistics : 33rd Cycle S.S.D. L-LIN/01 / Coordinator prof. Stefan Rabanus (University of Verona) ; Tutor prof. Paola Cotticelli (University of Verona), prof. Eystein Dahl (UiT The Artic University of Norway) ; doctoral student Jelena Zivojinovic. - Verona : [s.n.], 2021. - 251 p. : ill. ; 30 cm
In testa al frontespizio: Università degli studi di Verona, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Graduate School of Arts and Humanities PhD programme in Foreign Literatures, Languages and Linguistics; University of Tromsø - The Artic University of Norway, Faculty of Humanities, Social sciences and Education, Department of Language and Culture, The CASTL Research School PhD programme in Humanities and Social Sciences
Luogo di pubblicazione
ID scheda 56340
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Zivojinovic, Jelena
Cotticelli, Paola
Dahl, Eystein
Rabanus, Stefan
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